Weekend Islamic School

Curriculum and Instruction

At Masjid Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, our Weekend Islamic School provides a comprehensive curriculum and high-quality instruction in Quranic studies, Arabic language, and Islamic principles. Led by experienced teachers, our classes are designed to cultivate a strong foundation in faith and knowledge. From learning proper Tajweed (pronunciation) and memorization techniques to exploring the fundamentals of faith and worship, students engage in interactive lessons that inspire a love for learning and spiritual growth. Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment together

Community Engagement and Enrichment

Our Weekend Islamic School not only focuses on academic instruction but also prioritizes community engagement and enrichment. Through various activities, events, and service projects, students have the opportunity to connect with their peers, mentors, and the larger Muslim community. This aspect of our program fosters a sense of belonging and social responsibility, empowering students to make meaningful contributions to society while deepening their understanding of Islamic values and principles.

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